Board Games in the Miami Valley
Are you looking for Board Games in the Miami Valley? Are you a fan of designer Board Games? Where can you find the perfect game for game night? Do you want to know what games we recommend? We can help!
What Are They?
Board games have come a long way from the days of Monopoly and Yahtzee. Games have now become a staple for many people and families across the globe! Games can bring people together for fun and conversation. Today, games offer complex themes and intense strategies, but not all are difficult. The board game industry now has multiple categories and types, children’s games, family games, legacy games, and more! My absolute favorite is Hidden Traitor games. These games have a player secretly plotting against other unsuspecting players.
Where and What
Below you will find a list of stores that sell the best board games in the industry. Also, we have a list of places you can meet to play board games and grab a drink! Finally, click on the Board Game category to find a list of my gamer group’s most loved and played games! We have nearly 500 games in our collection! Warning, once you start gaming, it’s hard to stop. Happy gaming!!

Board Game Bars

Types of Board Games
Why Play Games?
The answer is simple for those asking why they should play board games. In truth, board games help you relax and let go. You can gather with others and forget about life’s struggles and demands. When you can meet with a group of people, the conversations are endless, and the jokes are the best. Each person offers a different personality type and perspective.
So, what type of gamer are you? Personalities can change during a gaming session. Someone you once thought was meek and mild can turn into an amazon warrior at the snap of a finger. Likewise, others who usually are assertive may become more of an observer. So, which type of gamer will you be?
The Alpha Gamer
Do you like to boss people around? If so, you may be an alpha gamer. These people take charge, especially in cooperative games. Of course, there is a time and place when alpha gamers are needed, but usually, they are more annoying than helpful (wink).
The Angry Gamer
I will be open and honest with you. I am an angry gamer. Also annoying to some, but usually, I’m the butt of jokes. I have been known to chuck my shoe across the room in a rage. However, in my defense, I save this for when I am about to win a game and someone comes behind me and completely obliterates my hopes and dreams. You’ll know an angry gamer based on how they lose. Did they lose with grace and dignity? Or, is their face blood red and their eyes searing a hole in your head (HA!)?
The Serious Gamer
Are you all play and no talk? Then you may be a serious gamer. This person solely focuses on the game and rarely deters from the current task. No worries, we need these people to stay on track, or a 1-hour game will quickly turn into 3!
The Analyzer
Do you over annalize things? I hate to tell you, but you have analysis paralysis! This gamer hyper-focuses on every single detail. Honestly, this is the person you will want in your escape room games!! They will find every hidden gem and get you out of the “room” (an actual escape room or a card game).
The Jokester
Do you like to make people laugh? Congratulations, you are the jokester. These people are the best because they make every single game hilarious! They poke fun at every other gamer and sometimes game mechanics. These people are always laughing and joking. They make the experience so much better.
The Passive Gamer
Are you usually a shy person? Do you not like to make others upset? Well, gaming may be problematic for you at first! However, I have seen board games pull more people out of their shells and transform them into beasts! So, if you are worried you won’t like gaming because you’re shy, don’t be! You will likely flourish and surprise those who know you best. There is nothing better than to see a passive person trample over everyone else, especially when they take out the alpha gamer!