What are Cooperative Board Games? Simply put, think of teamwork. So, these games require the players to work as a team to solve the game’s primary objective. Indeed, the themes are limitless. So, Some of these games spill over into other categories as well. For example, Stuffed Fables is a cooperative game, but it is also a storytelling game. Also, Betrayal at House on the Hill eventually turns into a traitor game, but when you start, you all work together until the game reveals someone (could be anyone, even you) as a traitor. Cooperative board games are so much fun because, typically, you all win, or the game does.


Beware of alpha gamers. You’ll know who they are. These people try to boss you into doing a specific thing during your turn. There is one in every group. Is it you? Nevertheless, each of us has a specific Board Game personality. I am known in my group as the angry gamer. Furthermore, click here if you’d like to read more about different gamer personalities.

Final Thoughts

Lastly, co-op Games are an excellent place to begin if you are starting. Moreover, if you know someone into gaming, ask them what they recommend. Without a doubt, most of us love talking about games and giving our opinion.

Be sure to browse the game list below. One of them will undoubtedly be perfect for you! Also, comment below and let us know how your game went! Honestly, we love getting feedback and hearing about your experience.

Arkham Horror

Betrayal at Baldur’s Gate

Betrayal at House on
the Hill

Dead Men Tell No Tales

Dark Gothic Colonial Horror

Dead Panic

Elder Sign

Eldritch Horror

Forbidden Desert

Forbidden Island

Forbidden Sky

Ghost Stories

Legendary Encounters: Alien

The Lord of the Rings: The card game



Pandemic Cthulhu

Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective

Stuffed Fables

By Katie Masters

My name is Katie Masters. I have been with Streetlight Realty since it's infancy in 2018. I'm an agent who truly loves my clients and I enjoy new friendship opportunities.

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