Welcome to our Home Inspection Company Directory, your go-to resource for finding trusted and reliable home inspection services across the Miami Valley region of Ohio. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or seasoned investor, our carefully curated list of inspection companies provides you with a variety of options to ensure that your potential new home is thoroughly evaluated for quality and safety. Explore our directory to connect with experienced professionals who can help you make informed decisions and invest with confidence.

(937) 331-8048

(513) 289-6253

Slab To Slate Home Inspections
(513) 445-9705

(937) 353-1196

(937) 776-5801

(937) 298-2378

Ohio Certified Home Inspection
(937) 818-5372

Pillar to Post Home Inspectors
(937) 582-9379

(937) 236-3344

(937) 995-5014

*DISCLAIMER We do not endorse any specific company or contractor on our page. We encourage you to interview all potential service providers. The Miami Valley Experience and Streetlight Realty hold no opinions on prices or ratings for services provided by those who appear on our site. This page is simply a directory of service providers.