One of the most important things on earth is family. But, unfortunately, it’s increasingly hard to find the time to be around one another and enjoy the moment. But there is a solution, not the only solution, but a great one nonetheless! Playing board games with your family is an excellent way to put the focus back on what’s important. When you sit with your family and open that cardboard box, you tell them they are important and worth your time.

Why play family games?

It’s no secret that we live in a technology-driven era. As a result, cell phones have become more like body parts; unfortunately, they are usually necessary. So why play a family board game? Because when you play a game with your family, you get quality time that’s incredibly hard to duplicate. Think about it, when you sit down to a movie, you don’t speak. Walking around a store, you still have social standards to adhere to, and you’re unable to let loose and just be yourself. But, with a board game, you have to focus, and often you have conversations that are entirely unrelated to the game! Not to mention the jokes and laughter that happen during a game. Personally, game night has become a weekly winddown for me, it’s therapy. I can be around the people who love me most in the world and whom I love.

At the very least, I encourage you to try. If one game doesn’t work for you, try a different one! There are many games I enjoy and some that I dislike, just like movies and tv shows.

Plan your game night!

Below is a list of games that officially fit the category of “family games.” However, please note that some may have more lengthy instructions and components. You should plan your games! Please pick a game well before your game night. At least one person needs to be able to explain the game. I recommend hitting up Youtube for instruction videos. Watch It Played is fantastic for directions and instructions. Rodney Smith is very detailed and so helpful!! Understanding how a game works and the rules you must follow before you begin playing would be best. Nothing loses people faster than waiting for someone to figure out the instructions. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but trust me, it’s well worth it! Pick a game, learn how to play, and play. It’s that simple.

My husband Clay is the instructor in my gamer group, and I honestly don’t know how we would do it without him. He loves to teach, and he also likes to ensure we are following all the rules. After all, someone has to make sure no one is cheating! By the way, cheating is a glory thief. When I win, I win! There is nothing more gratifying than coming out on top via strategy or luck!

Pick a game

Please browse the list below for our family game recommendations. Also, remember to come back and drop a comment. We’d love to hear how your game turned out.

Family Board Games

Camel Up

Family Board Games


Family Board Games

Colt Express


Forbidden Dessert

Forbidden Island

Forbidden Sky

Go Cuckoo!



Family Board Games

King of Tokyo

Love Letter

Family Board Games


Terror in Meeple City, AKA Rampage

Family Board Games

Relic Expedition

Family Board Games

Scooby Doo Betrayal at Mystery Mansion

Family Board Games

Shadows in the Forest


Family Board Games

The Phantom Society

The Miami Valley Experience

By Katie Masters

My name is Katie Masters. I have been with Streetlight Realty since it's infancy in 2018. I'm an agent who truly loves my clients and I enjoy new friendship opportunities.

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