Board Game Categories are endless. There are many different types of games to choose from, but we have compiled a list of popular games based on classification.
When picking a game type, consider who’s gaming with you. For example, most seasoned gamers understand to avoid putting a newbie in an epic, complex game. These games use multiple mechanics, meaning you will have area movement, dice rolling, deck building, hand management, storytelling, player voting, etc. It would help if you learned these mechanics one at a time to apply them all to more complex games.
If you are new, party games may be a good option, or stick to one type of game. For example, master dice rolling games before moving on to deck building. You can start with any of these types and go from there. My advice is to master one before moving to the next.
Don’t judge too quickly, though. If you hate deck-building games, move on to a different category. My personal favorite is the hidden traitor game. The Resistance or One Night Ultimate Werewolf is a blast, but you will want a large group of people. We are all different so you may love an entirely different type.
Board Game Categories

Dice Rolling Games

Euro Games

Legacy Games

Story Telling Games

Worker Placement Games
Which category did you end up choosing? Please drop a comment below and let us know!
[…] So, my husband and I try to squeeze in as many date nights as possible, and we are as predictable as a clock—first, dinner, and second, Epic Loot. I know this may not seem like much of a date to some, but when we go, we usually snag a new game and head home to learn and play. If it’s a Saturday, our gamer group typically shows up around 7 PM, and we are gaming until midnight or later. On that note, if you are curious about what games we play, check this page out. […]
[…] You can’t go wrong with a party game. These games bring life back to a party and are typically easy to learn for quick play. So look at the list below and start building your party game stockpile. Then, remember to come back and tell us your favorite! Browse other Board Game Categories Here. […]
[…] Below is a list of games that officially fit the thematic adventure games category. However, please note that some may have more elaborate instructions and components. You should plan your games! Please pick a game well before your game night. At least one person needs to be able to explain the game. I recommend hitting up Youtube for instruction videos. Watch It Played is fantastic for directions and instructions. Rodney Smith is very detailed and so helpful!! Understanding how a game works and the rules you must follow before you begin playing would be best. Nothing loses people faster than waiting for someone to figure out the instructions. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but trust me, it’s well worth it! Pick a game, learn how to play, and play. It’s that simple. Once you’re done and the adventure is over, remember to come back and tell us about your experience! Browse other Board Game Categories Here. […]
[…] You should plan your games! Please pick a game well before your game night. At least one person needs to be able to explain the game. I recommend hitting up Youtube for instruction videos. Watch It Played is fantastic for directions and instructions. Rodney Smith is very detailed and so helpful!! Understanding how a game works and the rules you must follow before you begin playing would be best. Nothing loses people faster than waiting for someone to figure out the instructions. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but trust me, it’s well worth it! Pick a game, learn how to play, and play. It’s that simple. Once you’re done and the game is over, remember to come back and tell us about your experience! Browse other Board Game Categories Here. […]
[…] You should plan your games! Please pick a game well before your game night. At least one person needs to be able to explain the game. I recommend hitting up Youtube for instruction videos. Watch It Played is fantastic for directions and instructions. Rodney Smith is very detailed and so helpful!! Understanding how a game works and the rules you must follow before you begin playing would be best. Nothing loses people faster than waiting for someone to figure out the instructions. I know it sounds like a lot of work, but trust me, it’s well worth it! Pick a card game, learn how to play, and play. It’s that simple. Once you’re done, and the game is over, remember to come back and tell us about your experience! Browse other Board Game Categories Here. […]